

Every building we build has an impact on land use, resources, biodiversity and carbon. As architects and designers we are uniquely placed to influence sustainable decision-making and thinking across the supply chain, and ensure the built environment has a positive impact on both people and the planet. 

Our approach champions continuous and incremental change across all aspects of practice. Over the past five years, we have focussed on educating ourselves and our staff about the climate emergency, and putting processes in place to help address this through the buildings we design and those we occupy. Since 2019, we have measured our operational carbon annually as part of our Carbon Reduction Plan.

We have grown our in-house sustainability team and invest in sustainability training for all staff, as well as gaining accredited specialist skills including BREEAM, WELL and Passivhaus Certified Designers. This team collates the embodied and operation carbon data associated with each of our projects to inform future design processes and help us move towards designing for net zero carbon.

"A business that does not include sustainability and the health of the planet in its plans will find it difficult to survive in a rapidly changing world."

In 2020, we signed up to the United Nations Global Compact, and in 2021 transitioned to an Employee Ownership Trust. We are also signatories to the Architects Declare movement, the RIBA 2030 Challenge, AJ’s Retro First Campaign, and members of the UK Green Building Council, Passivhaus Trust and Association for Environmentally Conscious Building.

Our sustainability strategy sets out in detail our approach in meeting sustainability targets by 2030, and progress made so far.



View our Carbon Reduction Plan 2023 here

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